
Showing posts from 2011


Just a little celebration post. I lost 5 pounds so far this week. Water weight or not, I am five pounds lighter than last week! I feel better already. Oh another note of celebration, Sammy has now started potty training! YAY!

Losing it.

I've decided to lose some weight. I know some of you are thinking that it's a crazy stupid idea cause I'm so "little" already. I'm 145 pounds, but I'd like to lose 15-20 pounds. Losing that will put me at the weight I was before I got pregnant. I know some of my friends told me I look better (not so anorexic) since I put on a little weight, but it's all starting to collect into a muffin top and I REALLY don't like that. I started p90x cardio two days ago. Today is my third day. I stopped drinking soda on Sunday. I stopped eating candy and junk food on Monday. This is really kicking my butt. I'm feeling discouraged today because only a few people know I started p90x and I haven't gotten a ton of praise yet, but I'm going to stick with it. I'm doing this for me.

mack truck

So it's finally hit me like a big ole mack truck hauling butt down the highway that this deployment is coming to an end. We're down to single digits in the percent AND actual days. Still can't tell you over the internet, but it's close. So close! The next thing you know I will be posting pictures. I'm so excited. Speaking of pictures, here are a few to brighten your day (or night as the case is now).

10 years.

Today marks the tenth anniversary of the tragic unfolding of 9/11/2001. My first thoughts are wow, it's really been ten years. I remember I was in 8th grade when this event happened. We had just gotten back to Boone Middle School from our morning algebra class and were playing chess or checkers. It was a sad day really, but at the age of 13, I wasn't really AWARE, if you know what I mean. I was a silly child of sorts. I still didn't truly understand the loss or the impact this event would have on our nation for years to come. We truly will never forget the men and women who gave their lives both willingly and unknowingly. I think of today as a day to honor, remember and mourn those lives, but to also thank those who continue to serve. Our police, firefighters, EMTs, and military just to name a few, put their lives on the line daily to protect this country from enemies both foreign and domestic. Today is a day to thank all the people who helped pick up the pieces of our b...

Just a little info, I beg of you!

So here we are down to the wire in this deployment. I've waiting for this since March when Danny left. I know we're coming up to the end! I just know we are. BUT I haven't heard anything from the Family Readiness Officer or any of the volunteers that work with him. So now, I am sitting in limb, waiting for information.  I really don't want this homecoming to end up being a rushed sort of thing. I want the anticipation. I want the wait. I want to go with a friend who's hubby is returning too! I want pictures. I want memories. But the way it's looking now, this homecoming will end up being the kind where I know nothing until last minutes. Possibly even just getting a call that they're back stateside and I need to pick him up. I'm hoping and praying that isn't the case and I will be haunting my inbox all day Monday for a response from the FRO. I'm just so over this deployment already. I can and will hang in there though. It's not that...

Things I've learned.

I've been on the planet called earth for 23 years. I'd love to tell you I know everything, but it isn't true. Please don't return the encyclopedias you were going to give me for Christmas. They may be useful yet. I have learned hard lessons and some pretty easy ones too. I've learned useless facts and not so useless ones. I know that you can almost never stay friends with an ex boyfriend (or girlfriend for any guys reading). Friends come and go. People you vowed never to part ways with at graduation are suddenly in your life less, or not at all. People will use you to get what they want, and when they're done with you, they'll ditch you like you never existed. I've come to realize about myself that I'm better off without some people in my life, and the ones that mean the most actually strive to stay in it. I've learned to drive a manual transmission. I'm really good at it, even though it's only been 6 months. I'm not afraid of ...


I cannot explain to you how it feels to be the spouse that gets left behind during a deployment. I know I've covered this already. All the emotions fighting to get out of you. Fear, relief, sadness, happiness. I've faced all of these during the past 6 months. As our deployment comes to it's end, and we still don't have any dates for a return, I feel like I'm stuck in quick sand. It's going just fast enough for you to know that something is going to happen to you, but not fast enough for your agony to be over with already. I don't know how we'll readjust to being together again. I know it will be trying. We've both been doing our own things this deployment. Me taking care of the household, him doing his job. He's worked some pretty crazy hours and I've taken to keeping the house maintained. Things I didn't have to worry about before he left became my priority. I know we'll really need everyone's prayers for not only maintaining...

these dang hurricanes.

I don't mean the football team. There is a team called the hurricanes right? Any sports buffs or guys reading this, please answer my question. Okay so as most, if not all, of you know hurricane Irene hit right where I live. It was supposed to hit more east of us, but God and Irene had different plans. Friday was a day full of prepping. My husband's parents came up to help me board up the house and then they "whisked me away" to visit Aunt Ruth and Uncle Ric. It was a busy weekend, but a fun one. We never got any of the hurricane in South Carolina! It was sunny and beautiful the whole time. We came back about six p.m. on Sunday to find no damage whatsoever to my house. A lot of the house around me had at least ten or more shingles missing. We didn't find any of mine on the ground. Thanks to my husband, Matt, Low and Warner. About this time last year, those guys were busy slaving away in the heat to reroof my house. I didn't like it at first. I was upset that...

Deployment roller coaster.

The term roller coaster, for most people brings thoughts of adrenaline and excitement. For others, nervousness and anxiety. I think it pairs well with deployments. Many of you reading this do not know, nor ever personally will, the emotions of a deployment. I can't give you just one term to describe it as a whole accurately. There is a chart that is shown at every pre-deployment briefing that explains the high peaks of emotion in the few months at beginning and end of deployments. It's not lying. This is our third deployment and it never changes. I can tell you limited knowledge of what was going through my hubby's brain in those weeks leading up to this deployment, and plenty of what I was thinking. He was focusing on taking care of things that might cause problems from me later in the deployment like setting up auto payments for most of the major bills. He didn't want to worry about us while he was gone. I was focused on spending as much time with him as possible so...

Sammy and Jak

We named our puppy Jak, pronounced like Jack. Sammy is head over heels in love with him. I'm in love with him too, when I'm not having to make five trips outside in an hour for Jak to potty. Or when it's one in the morning and he decides to whine and bark. As a matter of fact right now, Jak is sleeping under the pack and play in the office and Sammy is laying on his belly with his hand reaching under it saying "here boy" Now for some pictures!

I'd like to announce...

A new member will be joining the Swan clan soon. I need boy name suggestions! NO, I am not pregnant. Danny's letting us get a dog! End announcement.

I was made for this.

Today began out pretty decently, but it has recently gotten better. As many of you may or may not know, being in the Marines has always been Danny's dream job. Well he landed it in 2008. His four years of service is up in January but he wants to continue on with this as his career. At the beginning of June or July, he began working on his re-enlistment package. A few snags came up that he couldn't take care of being over in the middle east. That's where I, Super Wife, come in the picture. In a span of a week, I went to the courthouse twice for paper copies of a traffic ticket and proof that it's been taken care of, bugged my pastor twice about scanning and emailing said papers, and worried and prayed A LOT! We didn't expect to hear anything back until the end of August or September at the earliest. For me personally, it's been a rough battle trying to keep the negative what ifs out of my mind. I've had to keep telling myself God would put us where He wants u...

The last one...

This post is bittersweet. This afternoon, I mailed out what will be the last care package for this deployment. From here on in I'll be trekking towards homecoming without being able to send or receive mail from Danny. It's a bit exciting and nerve wracking all at once! Making up care packages are so exciting for me! I enjoy going to the store and buying snacks that hubby has asked for and finding snacks that I know he'll say " oh wow, I can't believe she sent those!" I like to imagine how excited he'll be not only to get mail, but also how excited he is that I put so much effort into them. Heck, I knew this would be the last one I could make for him, so I loaded it up. I must say that there is a lot of excitement and sorrow in my mind right now. Well sorrow isn't the right word, but bear with me. I know that now that there is a mail cut off date, we'll have a homecoming date soon. It's so hard to not know yet when he'll be home. It can'...

odd attachments.

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I've blogged. Yes it has been a week since I've gotten home from Florida and I should have typed up some piece of inspiration already, but Sammy's had a cold. He's been super clingy and as I type this right now, he's sitting in my lap cuddling with me. Anyway, on to the topic for today. I've been thinking a lot recently of security attachments children form. Most are to a stuffed animal or blanket, maybe a pacifier if you're lucky. Sammy never formed any of those attachments, not that I haven't encouraged him. Okay well maybe I DIDN'T encourage him to use a pacifier, but I do offer him Qubert (a toy dino) and his blanket from daddy. Neither are a big hit after a few minutes. INSTEAD, my boy wants him sippy cup all the time, even taking it to bed with him, not full of course, and get this: his belly button? He walks around all the time with his finger in his belly button if he's wearing a shirt and ...

It's been far too long....

So it has been a while since I've blogged. I know, I know, stop slacking already right? Well I have good reason. I just got back from Florida and I never realized how long it takes for readjustment with a toddler. He's been sick since I've gotten home. Granted, Sammy is doing much better today then he was Friday. Well now we're down to the last few months of this deployment and it's starting to get hectic. My mind is racing through all the things I have to do and some I'd like to do before it's over. On the top of my list is keeping the house clean. Kinda hard to do with a toddler, but I'm sure gonna try! Well, more to come later. It's time for degrassi!


We made it. Safely, I might add. Sammy did great on the flight here. He didn't get motion sickness or cry when his ears popped. He did cry a little as we were landing, but that's only because I had to make him sit down. He was really getting in flirt on with the 4 year old girl sitting in the seat in front of us. He held her hand several times during the flight.(= Now that we're here, I'll be seeing a lot of you that read this blog. I really wish I could fit all of you in, but unfortunately I cannot. Anyway, I have to go get myself and Sammy ready to pick up a few things from walmart, and the publix sub I have been waiting six months to sink my teeth into. Yes, as we were landing last night, I saw a publix and about had a cow in my airplane seat! For those of you who don't know, North Carolina doesn't have publix! It's such a shame really because their bread and cookies are the best I've ever tasted. Wow, I totally went off on a rant there. I'll blo...

homecoming banner.

I want to get a head start on my welcome home banner for Danny. I'm having a bit of trouble though deciding what I want to write on it. Obviously, I'm going to let Sammy have his fun with the paint and helping me out with it, but I want a super special message to put on it that will make him laugh! Any suggestions? Please email me, not post it on facebook or here because Danny can read it. He already knows I'll be making a banner, but I want to have the message be a surprise. Thanks in advance. (=

Wonder woman

So a few weeks ago, the belt on my vacuum cleaner broke. I didn't realize it until last Saturday. How silly of me right? Anyway, I went to Walmart and picked up a new one yesterday. I came home and proceeded to put it on my vacuum. That was the hardest thing I've had to fix since the beginning of the deployment. Sure things have broken around my house. The toilet handle, the heating element in my oven, the doorbell, but they've all been things I can easily fix or convince one of my neighbor's husbands to come fix because men just know what tools are what. I am so clueless in that department. Alright, back to the vacuum cleaner belt. I have cuts on my fingers.... It was soooooo tough to stretch the belt over the brush at the top and then manage to stretch the other end all the way to the bottom. I was afraid I'd end up having to go to the hospital needing stitches. Thank the good Lord I didn't! My reaction after I successfully put the belt on was so hiliarious. I...

stressin' pt 2

You may or may not have read my blog from yesterday about my upcoming trip to Florida and all the stress it's causing me. Well I'm stressin' no more. Most everything is worked out now. A few things will probably be tweaked here or there, but for the most part all I have to do now is sit back and relax a few days before the cleaning and packing frenzy ensues. Any volunteers to help clean? Haha, just kidding. I must remember to take out the trash and vacuum my floors before I go and it will all be good. Anything else will magically be cleaned/disappear while I'm gone or it will all be waiting for my return. Oh where's my fairy godmother when I need her? The worst part about a trip is not the packing or saying goodbye when it's time to go home. It's the unpacking and putting away. When I get home from a trip, I usually live out of my suitcase for a day or two (sometimes longer) before anything gets done! Anyway, I'm off to do a laundry shuffle and read my b...


So as many of you all know, I'm planning on visiting Florida for a few weeks next month. There are so many friends I want to hang out with and places I want to go, but I am so limited. In time, in transportation, in car seats! I cannot begin to tell you how much stress I am under when trying to fit seeing everyone into my schedule for those two weeks. I've got my list of stuff to pack already written and the ball is rollin! See y'all soon.


There has been a wildfire burning in a nearby county. By nearby, I mean it's about an hour away from us. I don't know which direction the fire is burning in, but the last two days all you can see and smell when you walk outside is smoke. So far it's burned close to 18, 000 acres at last news report. That's a lot of land. Since our area hasn't gotten a whole lot of rain in the last month and a half, everything up here is drying out. There have been air quality issues and in some places voluntary evacuations. Others have had mandatory evacuations I'm sure. It's been moving so fast, and I'm sure all the fire fighters and volunteers who are helping out with this are exhausted from all the effort. I pray every night that they stay safe and that it will rain to help put this wildfire out. This is the first time I've ever been this close to a wildfire. Danny's deployed, we have a house and on top of all that, I'm planning a trip to come see all ya...

so blessed.

I've been truly blessed this week to have been able to talk with Danny several days this week on skype. I know he's not over on this deployment for fun and games. It really means a lot to me that he takes some time out of his night after he's off work to try and get on to talk to me. We both went into this deployment knowing that we probably wouldn't get to talk as much as we did while he was on the MEU in 2009. I've been surprised that I'll have an email every few days just letting me know he's okay, safe and that he misses us and can't wait to come home. Truthfully, I probably spam his email inbox with hundred of letters. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating just a bit, but sometimes I do email him a lot, especially if I'm forgotten to tell him something or he hasn't emailed in a few days. And yes, I can honestly tell you that right now I'm a bit sad and disappointed that it's 4:30 and he's not on skype, but it's okay. He's roug...


I've done my research on potty training and my fellow mommy friends have given me tips and tricks to try. Sammy has learned the terms pee pee and poo poo and he knows he has something downstairs. Oh and did I mention that he's stopped wetting his diaper over night? It's been this way for a few months now. I figured I would have a go at seeing if he'll start potty training. I've read that most boys are fully potty trained by 3 and that most don't start that process until their second birthday. Well after several times of him pooping in the tub and a few tinkles on my bathroom floor, I decided to start this morning off with getting him up and sitting him, bare butt, on the potty chair. He cried and kept saying no no no. Sure sign that maybe I should wait a little while longer. No sooner had I turned around to get his diaper then he's peeing on the floor. All I could say was "see you did have to potty." It's all good though because I have to do l...


I've had tons of old pictures and videos on my digital camera that I have off loaded to my computer but have never deleted from the camera. I did so today and post a few new pictures to facebook and am in the process of uploading videos to youtube. Be on the lookout for those. (= Anyway, officially halfway through the deployment. YAY! I got to talk with my dear hubby yesterday and he's doing well, aside from the fact that he's hit that middle of deployment slump where he wishes it would hurry up and get over with so he can come home. No doubt he wants to golf with our pastor and go out to eat steaks or baby back ribs every night! I'm still just home, holding down the fort. Speaking of forts, I think tonight Sammy and I will build a fort out of chairs, sheets and couch cushions. I used to love making forts when I was a little girl and now that I have a child of my own, I can pass down some fun traditions! Oh I'm gonna cut this blog entry short, because it is about ...

one long week

So this past week has been the longest and shortest all together in one crazy singing, dancing, running around outside package. That's right. The thing that happens once a year: Vacation Bible School. Our theme this year was "souled out to Jesus" I won't go into a ton of detail, but I for one had a blast. I did find that the kids weren't as excited to dance around this year as they were last year! I mean come on, last year I didn't dance until the last night, but this year I was practically the only one on my side dancing. Well at least in my class of 3. Leilah, Shawn, and Josie. Yes I had the best class. Easiest to keep track of too! Now that VBS is over and I sit back and look at the date, I see that June is HALF OVER! Already! That makes me excited. Two weeks until I come to Florida to visit, so the sunshine state better get ready. It also means our deployment is halfway over. We've made it to the peak of the roller coaster and now we begin our super s...

another dozen bites the dust....

So I decided to make Death By Chocolate for our Youth Sunday Luncheon at church tomorrow. I had the brilliant idea to make them individual servings. I started by making the brownies. After they cooled for an hour or so, I crumbled them up and lined the bottom of my cupcake papers. (You can use this recipe by putting it in a regular sized bowl with a lid. You'll have to repeat the layering once)  Next, I put a layer of chocolate pudding. I always want make them into dirt cups at this point on the sole point of I love gummy worms/bears.  Then I added a layer of cool whip.  I then top this with broken pieces of Heath or Skor bars. Any form of chocolate covered toffee with work. (if you're making this in a regular bowl, this is the point that you will repeat the brownie, pudding cool whip, candy layers) At this point I had to stop and give my 18 month old little boy a bath. See picture below. Here's the story. He was "helping" me eat the leftover brownie pieces ...

It's Friday.

Well y'all, I could start my blog off with the love to hate it song by Rebecca Black about it being Friday, but I will restrain myself for your sanity. I've only heard the song once or twice, so I know it's not easy to stomach. Anyway, I feel I got a lot accomplished today. No strike that, I did get a lot accomplished today. I made breakfast for starters. Sometimes that is so rare around here as we normally get up closer to lunch time anyway. I got a care package put together for my dear hubby. (How do I miss him? Let me count the ways.) I then put said care package, my library books, my fully clothed son, and myself in the car to start our day of errands. The care package got put out in today's mail, and I picked up some stamps while I was at the post office. They have some really cute looking Disney stamps coming out next month. I will be first in line to pick those up! (= I returned my library books and picked up a few they had on hold for me. I was recommended a se...

All this craziness.

So it's been at least a few days since I've had time to consider sitting down to blog. Hold on, going to get a pair of socks. Alright, I have returned. With socks on my feet. Where was I? Oh yes, how busy it's been lately. Next week our church is having Vacation Bible School, VBS for short. EVERYONE has been so busy gearing up for this. There are skits to be practiced and decorations to make. And that's just the beginning. I've been to the church every day so far this week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. I'm not so sure if I'll be there today because meeting time happens to coincide with nap time, and Sammy is a really crabby boy when it's nap time. We are all so excited though, and I'll post a few pictures of our hard work after it's all said and done! (on a side note, I will never again enjoying drawing details on instruments. It's wayyyyy too tedious.) I am also mentally preparing my checklist for my trip to Florida next month. Tic...

busy busy busy.

So this week has gone by way faster then I wanted it to. Tomorrow my mother in law leaves to go home. I'm getting sad, but I know it won't be long that I'll be making my way down to Florida for a few weeks myself!! Anyway, we did a lot together this week. Movies, beach, laying around the house watching the cooking channel for hours!  Yes I said beach. We went to the beach. I don't know if you all know how our last trip to the beach ended up playing out, so I'll fill you in. Sammy almost drowned when the tide was coming in. A huge wave washed over him. He was afraid to play in the tub for the longest time after that. Danny and I also got really sunburned because neither of us used our sunblock. (lesson learned) He itched and peeled for weeks after the pain finally subsided. I could barely lift my arms because my shoulders were so burnt. This time was so much more fun. Sammy enjoyed playing in the sand. He liked throwing it at the incoming waves. He did go in the wat...

She's Here!!

 Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days. I picked my mother-in-law up from the airport Thursday and we spent the night so we could see the sights around Wilmington on Friday. We went to the zoo. The monkeys were the first animals we saw and I was content to watch their antics for a while. This little guy in the picture up there was so hilarious. He ran around their cage and then jumped for the tire swing.  This peacock was obviously crazy about the lady peacock here, because we got to see him spread his feathers out, try to court her for several minutes and then lay his feathers back down when she just walked away from him.  Oh these goats were really aggressive about the food we were giving them. They all jumped up to stick their heads over the fence to get some. There was also a goat who was pregnant. We stood and watched her baby kick and squirm inside her belly for a few minutes. It was interesting to say the least.  We went to the nc aquarium at Fort Fisher ...

only a day left....

Until my mother in law is here! I'm so excited that I get to pick her up tomorrow at the airport. I have so many ideas of things to do with her while she's here. Movies, beach, yard sailing, just to name a few. I feel like a child who is not so patiently waiting for Christmas morning to come so he/she can open their gifts. The only difference is the child gets to keep their gifts, I have to take her back to the airport a week later so she can go home. Back to her house and job and the rest of the family. Boo. Aside from the excitement of my second mommy visiting, I'm excited about working out. Yes, working out. I've started doing an abs and back exercise daily to help flatten my tummy. I know some of you who know me in real life are reading this and probably thinking that I don't need to work out and I'm crazy for doing so, but I feel like if I don't get into a routine while Danny is gone, I'm going to let myself go and start gaining weight. That I don...

And there's always Christmas, of course.

I was just laying in bed by my sleeping son, who is now eighteen months old, thinking about how fast he's grown. It really feels like the day I was in labor is both such a short time ago and ages ago. I'm truly blessed that my dear hubby wants me to be able to stay home and raise our kids. Yes I said kids, as in more then one. We'd like two, maybe three, but we're going to wait a little while before the next one comes along. Anyway, back to my reflections. I'm now the mother of a toddler, who is becoming more independent every second. He no longer needs me constantly. In fact it has been ten days now since he last nursed. Big step for us there! And he falls asleep by himself now too, although for my comfort, he's sleeping in bed with me. I'm only doing that because my number one concern is his safety should anything arise during this deployment. I definitely want to be able to protect him. S/n, I was trying to figure out if I could add pictures to blog pos...

May 21st.

Okay, don't take me the wrong way when I say this, but I find it absolutely absurd that millions of dollars have been spent to promote the judgement day baloney I've seen and heard about. I for one believe in God and that some day the rapture will take place, God's people will be taken to heaven and the world will suffer, but no man knows when that day will be. Only God. It's May 21st and according to some people the judgement was to begin at 6pm in new Zealand and roll over the world as 6pm hit everywhere else. Well two hours ago, at noon est, I received a call from my husband, who is stationed 8 ish hours ahead of the time here. It's almost ten thirty now where he is, so obviously nothing happened. That being said, he called and made my week so much better. Anyway just wanted to rant a little about stupidness and ridiculous predictions made by man. I seem to recall several scriptures in the bible that site no man will know the hour of the Lord's return. (= S...

Patience and missed calls.

So I'll be the first to admit I'm not the most patient person in the world. God must be really refining that quality in me lately. I say this because, as a military spouse you understand that your husband must deploy, but you don't like it. Aside from a few weeks of training here and there, Danny has been home every night before this deployment. Now I never know when to expect a call, email or letter. Sometimes I feel as if I'm putting my day/life on hold to wait for that call or email. Goodness knows how many times I've checked my email in this past week. I thank the good Lord for giving me a husband who spoils me. I can sit comfortably on the couch and check from my iPad now, Haha. Other times, I feel sort of guilty when I go about my daily routine and come back to find a missed opportunity to talk to him. I want to cry, scream, and hop in my time machine to go back and tell myself from five minutes ago to stop what I'm doing and go by the phone or computer. u...

Intro to me!

I never thought I would be one to blog, but I'm going to give it a try. I'm the type who starts something and is doing well at it for a few months, then one day it just stops, just ask the enormous box of yarn and knitting needles sitting in my office right now. Hopefully that won't happen to this blog. Anyway, my husband is currently deployed with the US Marines. I couldn't be more proud of him. Although I can tell you life has been really interesting since he left. I'm staying home with our 18 month old son. If you're a mom, you should know how interesting daily life with a child can be. Right now there is enough water from my son's impromptu afternoon bath on the floor to sail an entire armada. We're almost three months into this deployment, with no set return date yet, just some rumors. That also means that I've been driving for three months, but that's a different story for a later blog. Some days speed by, while others feel like they will...