It's Friday.

Well y'all, I could start my blog off with the love to hate it song by Rebecca Black about it being Friday, but I will restrain myself for your sanity. I've only heard the song once or twice, so I know it's not easy to stomach. Anyway, I feel I got a lot accomplished today. No strike that, I did get a lot accomplished today. I made breakfast for starters. Sometimes that is so rare around here as we normally get up closer to lunch time anyway. I got a care package put together for my dear hubby. (How do I miss him? Let me count the ways.) I then put said care package, my library books, my fully clothed son, and myself in the car to start our day of errands. The care package got put out in today's mail, and I picked up some stamps while I was at the post office. They have some really cute looking Disney stamps coming out next month. I will be first in line to pick those up! (=
I returned my library books and picked up a few they had on hold for me. I was recommended a series called The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor. They sound rather interesting, but I haven't had a second to sit down and start reading them yet. From there, I went to a local vintage boutique, named Second Wave Vintage Boutique, to pick up a birthday present for a wonderfully special birthday tomorrow! You know who you are! After that, I treated Sammy to some chicken nuggets from Wendy's. We saw our friend Jenny there and as we were leaving the drive thru, Sammy yelled out "bye!" He's sooooo adorable. (= We had to make a quick stop before we went home to pick up a gift bag and card for the aforementioned birthday. I really feel proud of the job I did packing this gift up! (See above image!)
Once we got home, I had to take something for the headache from all the errands I ran and the outrageous heat wave called summer. After I ate lunch, with a sleeping boy in my lap, I decided to lay down on the couch and catch a few z's with him. We slept until 3:30 or so, when once again I got up and tackled more things to do. I have now swept, vacuumed, washed dishes and started washing laundry. Now I just have to fold and put away the clean laundry, exercise and my day will be complete. I'm sure the exercising will get done, not so sure about the laundry. Any one want some clothes?
This coming week, starting with tomorrow, will be super busy for me so you'll have to forgive me for slacking on the blog a little and just be patient for my posts. (= Here's my list:
birthday party
baking for a church dinner
church, church dinner, decorating for VBS
VBS all week
cleaning up after vbs
RELAXING time for a few weeks.

Oh well my time is up and now I have to go make some dinner! See you all later.


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