May 21st.

Okay, don't take me the wrong way when I say this, but I find it absolutely absurd that millions of dollars have been spent to promote the judgement day baloney I've seen and heard about. I for one believe in God and that some day the rapture will take place, God's people will be taken to heaven and the world will suffer, but no man knows when that day will be. Only God. It's May 21st and according to some people the judgement was to begin at 6pm in new Zealand and roll over the world as 6pm hit everywhere else. Well two hours ago, at noon est, I received a call from my husband, who is stationed 8 ish hours ahead of the time here. It's almost ten thirty now where he is, so obviously nothing happened. That being said, he called and made my week so much better.
Anyway just wanted to rant a little about stupidness and ridiculous predictions made by man. I seem to recall several scriptures in the bible that site no man will know the hour of the Lord's return. (=
Should the rapture actually happen today, I know where my heart lies and where I will be going. Love to you all.


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