only a day left....

Until my mother in law is here! I'm so excited that I get to pick her up tomorrow at the airport. I have so many ideas of things to do with her while she's here. Movies, beach, yard sailing, just to name a few. I feel like a child who is not so patiently waiting for Christmas morning to come so he/she can open their gifts. The only difference is the child gets to keep their gifts, I have to take her back to the airport a week later so she can go home. Back to her house and job and the rest of the family. Boo.
Aside from the excitement of my second mommy visiting, I'm excited about working out. Yes, working out. I've started doing an abs and back exercise daily to help flatten my tummy. I know some of you who know me in real life are reading this and probably thinking that I don't need to work out and I'm crazy for doing so, but I feel like if I don't get into a routine while Danny is gone, I'm going to let myself go and start gaining weight. That I don't want to do. I had someone last night at the women's ministry meeting say that her mom thought I was pregnant again! Yup, definitely motivation to keep exercising despite the pain. I'd be the first to let everyone know if and when I'm expecting, which I am NOT. (I'm abstaining thank you very much. lol) Another reason for my exercise is for that one moment when Danny gets home and first sees me. I want him to be wowed. (=
Speaking of my dear husband, I haven't heard from him in a few days. I know he's okay. He and some of his unit are supposed to be extending their base soon, but that's all I know. I don't know when I'll be able to talk with him on the phone again or get an email from him. Here's to checking the mailbox anxiously everyday for a letter! Not that I mind. I rather like getting letters in the mail. I need a pen pal aside from my husband. Anyone know where to even get started? Like a credible FREE website? Okay back to the point of no contact. It sucks and is only going to make the deployment seem longer.

Wow, I'm really all over the place with this blog today. Didn't mean for that to happen. I suppose I should stop all this idle chattering and get to work cleaning my house up before tomorrow. I know my M-I-L won't care if my house is spotless or not, but I do. Random: there is an ant crawling on my computer screen. I think his name is Harvey. If it wasn't, his name is Harvey now.


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