There has been a wildfire burning in a nearby county. By nearby, I mean it's about an hour away from us. I don't know which direction the fire is burning in, but the last two days all you can see and smell when you walk outside is smoke. So far it's burned close to 18, 000 acres at last news report. That's a lot of land. Since our area hasn't gotten a whole lot of rain in the last month and a half, everything up here is drying out. There have been air quality issues and in some places voluntary evacuations. Others have had mandatory evacuations I'm sure. It's been moving so fast, and I'm sure all the fire fighters and volunteers who are helping out with this are exhausted from all the effort. I pray every night that they stay safe and that it will rain to help put this wildfire out.
This is the first time I've ever been this close to a wildfire. Danny's deployed, we have a house and on top of all that, I'm planning a trip to come see all ya'll crazy people in Florida in a few weeks! I'm kind of nervous to go because I'd hate to come back to no house at all. I'm going to have to put complete trust in God on this one. I'll admit, I say it and it's so hard to stamp out that little flicker of panic in my heart sometimes because I'm just human. I say this because this could end up a life changing situation that I have no control over. With Danny being gone, I have to be the calm one. I have to hold my emotions in check more often than not so I don't cause Sammy to worry. I'm also going to have that small worry in my mind, especially when I leave and come back. Please pray for and with me about this, so I don't spend my whole vacation worrying about what if's. I want to have a good time in Florida with my family and friends, without always being concerned about what's going on up here with the fire and all.
I don't know about you, reader of my blog, but I for one would like the chance to go back into childhood for one day. To be ignorant of all the bad things that happen in the world, the war, the mother nature destruction. To just be carefree, for one day. I guess I just want to be able to remember what it's like to be so innocent like my son is and to only have to worry about which toy I want to play with or what food I'll have for dinner. <----That of course is just a bit of mad rambling. Well i need to go make some lunch for me and said son, and to venture out to check the mail. If the mail is running today with all the smoke in the air.
This is the first time I've ever been this close to a wildfire. Danny's deployed, we have a house and on top of all that, I'm planning a trip to come see all ya'll crazy people in Florida in a few weeks! I'm kind of nervous to go because I'd hate to come back to no house at all. I'm going to have to put complete trust in God on this one. I'll admit, I say it and it's so hard to stamp out that little flicker of panic in my heart sometimes because I'm just human. I say this because this could end up a life changing situation that I have no control over. With Danny being gone, I have to be the calm one. I have to hold my emotions in check more often than not so I don't cause Sammy to worry. I'm also going to have that small worry in my mind, especially when I leave and come back. Please pray for and with me about this, so I don't spend my whole vacation worrying about what if's. I want to have a good time in Florida with my family and friends, without always being concerned about what's going on up here with the fire and all.
I don't know about you, reader of my blog, but I for one would like the chance to go back into childhood for one day. To be ignorant of all the bad things that happen in the world, the war, the mother nature destruction. To just be carefree, for one day. I guess I just want to be able to remember what it's like to be so innocent like my son is and to only have to worry about which toy I want to play with or what food I'll have for dinner. <----That of course is just a bit of mad rambling. Well i need to go make some lunch for me and said son, and to venture out to check the mail. If the mail is running today with all the smoke in the air.
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