10 years.

Today marks the tenth anniversary of the tragic unfolding of 9/11/2001. My first thoughts are wow, it's really been ten years. I remember I was in 8th grade when this event happened. We had just gotten back to Boone Middle School from our morning algebra class and were playing chess or checkers. It was a sad day really, but at the age of 13, I wasn't really AWARE, if you know what I mean. I was a silly child of sorts. I still didn't truly understand the loss or the impact this event would have on our nation for years to come. We truly will never forget the men and women who gave their lives both willingly and unknowingly.

I think of today as a day to honor, remember and mourn those lives, but to also thank those who continue to serve. Our police, firefighters, EMTs, and military just to name a few, put their lives on the line daily to protect this country from enemies both foreign and domestic.
Today is a day to thank all the people who helped pick up the pieces of our broken lives and rebuild to our future. I'm thankful for my father and the rest of the team who worked on Project Phoenix article here. I'm thankful to the teachers who helped us, in a school in Florida miles and miles from New York, cope with the devastation we all felt. I'm thankful for the military mean and women who left as soon as they could to defend our nation. For those same members who were so committed that they signed up again and again for tours. For the ones who got injured or never returned to their families.

As a military spouse, today I was  feeling a small sense of dread. I know that worrying will not solve anything and I need to turn my worries over to God. I have, but let me explain how I felt last night as the clock crept closer to midnight. Like many other Americans probably worried, I too, pondered the question "what if another attack happens today?" Not for the reasons you may think. I'm not worried about what man can do, but I was worried about my husband's deployment being extended. As military spouses, you go into a deployment knowing that at any given time a deployment may be lengthened. We have such a short time left. We're down to 9.7 something percent! I cannot imagine how utterly annoyed, saddened and angry I would be if he were to have to stay longer. I would have no choice but to accept it, however ungratefully. It's part of his job. It's why he became a Marine.

And so, as the day ticks by, I will continue to pray for all those affected by this tragedy. I will count down the seconds until it's over and I know my hubby is still coming home when he's supposed to. Most of all, I will enjoy the life that I have because I know it could all end in the blink of an eye.


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