Intro to me!

I never thought I would be one to blog, but I'm going to give it a try. I'm the type who starts something and is doing well at it for a few months, then one day it just stops, just ask the enormous box of yarn and knitting needles sitting in my office right now. Hopefully that won't happen to this blog.
Anyway, my husband is currently deployed with the US Marines. I couldn't be more proud of him. Although I can tell you life has been really interesting since he left. I'm staying home with our 18 month old son. If you're a mom, you should know how interesting daily life with a child can be. Right now there is enough water from my son's impromptu afternoon bath on the floor to sail an entire armada.
We're almost three months into this deployment, with no set return date yet, just some rumors. That also means that I've been driving for three months, but that's a different story for a later blog. Some days speed by, while others feel like they will never end. Of course now that I look at the calendar, I realize that next week I'll be picking my mother in law up from the airport and then returning her a week later. That means June is right around the corner and it's a busy month for me. More to do to help the time pass by faster. (= As a military wife, I can say more things to occupy your time=less time to worry about the hubby.

I'm not looking for support or criticism, for I know I'll surely get both. I'm really just looking for a place to type out my thoughts, feelings, and funny (or not so funny) stories. oh my name is Rinda by the way and I prefer doing laundry to washing dishes.
Well it's time for lunch. See you next blog.


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