odd attachments.

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I've blogged. Yes it has been a week since I've gotten home from Florida and I should have typed up some piece of inspiration already, but Sammy's had a cold. He's been super clingy and as I type this right now, he's sitting in my lap cuddling with me. Anyway, on to the topic for today. I've been thinking a lot recently of security attachments children form. Most are to a stuffed animal or blanket, maybe a pacifier if you're lucky. Sammy never formed any of those attachments, not that I haven't encouraged him. Okay well maybe I DIDN'T encourage him to use a pacifier, but I do offer him Qubert (a toy dino) and his blanket from daddy. Neither are a big hit after a few minutes. INSTEAD, my boy wants him sippy cup all the time, even taking it to bed with him, not full of course, and get this: his belly button? He walks around all the time with his finger in his belly button if he's wearing a shirt and pants. He even sleeps with his finger tucked neatly away in his little belly space! Don't ask me. I don't know. I cannot reason his logic for loving his belly button so much. I just know he does.

Tell me, do any of you out there with kids notice them having strange habits? Or is it just my kid being goofy?


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