She's Here!!

 Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days. I picked my mother-in-law up from the airport Thursday and we spent the night so we could see the sights around Wilmington on Friday. We went to the zoo. The monkeys were the first animals we saw and I was content to watch their antics for a while. This little guy in the picture up there was so hilarious. He ran around their cage and then jumped for the tire swing.

 This peacock was obviously crazy about the lady peacock here, because we got to see him spread his feathers out, try to court her for several minutes and then lay his feathers back down when she just walked away from him.

 Oh these goats were really aggressive about the food we were giving them. They all jumped up to stick their heads over the fence to get some. There was also a goat who was pregnant. We stood and watched her baby kick and squirm inside her belly for a few minutes. It was interesting to say the least.
 We went to the nc aquarium at Fort Fisher after the zoo. It was crowded with a bunch of fifth or sixth grade students who were no doubt excited about a field trip before school got out! It was a nice aquarium, but we didn't stay too long because of all the students. They kept bumping into us and not apologizing, so we got tired of jostling to look at the exhibits. Maybe we'll go back when it's not the end of the school year and try again.
 The Jelly fish were my favorites. (=
 This fish just looks really cool. I don't remember even looking at what it's name is...
 On our way to the battleship North Carolina. Sammy wanted to wear my shades.
 Sammy looking into a big container in the kitchen on the battleship.
 We had to stop for a quick snooze on the beds.
 On deck, trying to get away from me!
 We never figured out exactly what these were used for, there was no plaque with a description. Anyone reading this blog who has knowledge of battleships and/or military weaponry of the past, please enlighten me!
Our last picture before we got into the car to go home. We had a really good time yesterday, but the week is only beginning with my MIL. I'm getting off here to go find more fun things to do!!!


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