
We made it. Safely, I might add. Sammy did great on the flight here. He didn't get motion sickness or cry when his ears popped. He did cry a little as we were landing, but that's only because I had to make him sit down. He was really getting in flirt on with the 4 year old girl sitting in the seat in front of us. He held her hand several times during the flight.(= Now that we're here, I'll be seeing a lot of you that read this blog. I really wish I could fit all of you in, but unfortunately I cannot. Anyway, I have to go get myself and Sammy ready to pick up a few things from walmart, and the publix sub I have been waiting six months to sink my teeth into. Yes, as we were landing last night, I saw a publix and about had a cow in my airplane seat! For those of you who don't know, North Carolina doesn't have publix! It's such a shame really because their bread and cookies are the best I've ever tasted.
Wow, I totally went off on a rant there. I'll blog more later.


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