stressin' pt 2

You may or may not have read my blog from yesterday about my upcoming trip to Florida and all the stress it's causing me. Well I'm stressin' no more. Most everything is worked out now. A few things will probably be tweaked here or there, but for the most part all I have to do now is sit back and relax a few days before the cleaning and packing frenzy ensues. Any volunteers to help clean? Haha, just kidding. I must remember to take out the trash and vacuum my floors before I go and it will all be good. Anything else will magically be cleaned/disappear while I'm gone or it will all be waiting for my return. Oh where's my fairy godmother when I need her? The worst part about a trip is not the packing or saying goodbye when it's time to go home. It's the unpacking and putting away. When I get home from a trip, I usually live out of my suitcase for a day or two (sometimes longer) before anything gets done! Anyway, I'm off to do a laundry shuffle and read my book.


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