Patience and missed calls.

So I'll be the first to admit I'm not the most patient person in the world. God must be really refining that quality in me lately. I say this because, as a military spouse you understand that your husband must deploy, but you don't like it. Aside from a few weeks of training here and there, Danny has been home every night before this deployment. Now I never know when to expect a call, email or letter. Sometimes I feel as if I'm putting my day/life on hold to wait for that call or email. Goodness knows how many times I've checked my email in this past week. I thank the good Lord for giving me a husband who spoils me. I can sit comfortably on the couch and check from my iPad now, Haha. Other times, I feel sort of guilty when I go about my daily routine and come back to find a missed opportunity to talk to him. I want to cry, scream, and hop in my time machine to go back and tell myself from five minutes ago to stop what I'm doing and go by the phone or computer. unfortunately it doesn't work like that. I've also gotten into this bad habit of staying up until one or two in the morning because from prior experience, I've received emails around that time. Not good for my health or sanity. Especially since I don't drink coffee.
Anyway, I think God is trying to teach me to trust in Him completely and wait for His timing. No matter how long I sit in my chair at the computer and hit the refresh button, I can't make an email from Danny appear. (I can cut down on the massive amounts of spam I'd have to search through later!) I really should be going to bed, after I check my email once more of course. Goodnight.


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