so blessed.

I've been truly blessed this week to have been able to talk with Danny several days this week on skype. I know he's not over on this deployment for fun and games. It really means a lot to me that he takes some time out of his night after he's off work to try and get on to talk to me. We both went into this deployment knowing that we probably wouldn't get to talk as much as we did while he was on the MEU in 2009. I've been surprised that I'll have an email every few days just letting me know he's okay, safe and that he misses us and can't wait to come home. Truthfully, I probably spam his email inbox with hundred of letters. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating just a bit, but sometimes I do email him a lot, especially if I'm forgotten to tell him something or he hasn't emailed in a few days.
And yes, I can honestly tell you that right now I'm a bit sad and disappointed that it's 4:30 and he's not on skype, but it's okay. He's roughly eight hours ahead of us, so when he does get online it's almost midnight for him and he's just gotten off work. I can't complain that he doesn't talk to me every night, when he works such weird hours and the time difference is so big. I'm an independent woman and don't need to talk with my husband EVERY single day to know that he still loves me and misses me as much as I miss him. Sitting around, staring at my phone and computer aren't going to help this deployment go by any faster for me, so I'm going to finish my library book now.

P.s. Danny, If you get online and read this, I'm not saying I don't want to talk to you. I do, but I'm okay with not doing so every day. I understand you need/want to do things besides talk to me all the time! I love you. (=


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