Things I've learned.

I've been on the planet called earth for 23 years. I'd love to tell you I know everything, but it isn't true. Please don't return the encyclopedias you were going to give me for Christmas. They may be useful yet.
I have learned hard lessons and some pretty easy ones too. I've learned useless facts and not so useless ones.

I know that you can almost never stay friends with an ex boyfriend (or girlfriend for any guys reading).

Friends come and go. People you vowed never to part ways with at graduation are suddenly in your life less, or not at all. People will use you to get what they want, and when they're done with you, they'll ditch you like you never existed. I've come to realize about myself that I'm better off without some people in my life, and the ones that mean the most actually strive to stay in it.

I've learned to drive a manual transmission. I'm really good at it, even though it's only been 6 months. I'm not afraid of driving anymore, but I do get annoyed when other people do reckless things while driving. 

Being a parent is most definitely not the easiest job in the world, especially to a two year old little boy who wants to get into everything. I have to thank my mom for never giving up on her full time, no pay job.

I've learned that as much as I love my husband, I can survive deployments at home without him. I'm not trying to say he isn't useful around here or that I don't enjoy his company, but I'm definitely not the type of military wife who falls to pieces when he leaves and can't pick myself up the entire deployment. Some days are harder than others, but still I survive. (I guess I'm like that stinking cockroach that supposedly can live through anything!)

I've figured out during this deployment that Sammy is extra sensitive to mosquito bites. Not allergic, mind you.

I can think of a thousand more things I've learned, but they all seem too trivial to blog about.

I feel like this is pointless.... 


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