All this craziness.

So it's been at least a few days since I've had time to consider sitting down to blog. Hold on, going to get a pair of socks.

Alright, I have returned. With socks on my feet. Where was I? Oh yes, how busy it's been lately. Next week our church is having Vacation Bible School, VBS for short. EVERYONE has been so busy gearing up for this. There are skits to be practiced and decorations to make. And that's just the beginning. I've been to the church every day so far this week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. I'm not so sure if I'll be there today because meeting time happens to coincide with nap time, and Sammy is a really crabby boy when it's nap time. We are all so excited though, and I'll post a few pictures of our hard work after it's all said and done! (on a side note, I will never again enjoying drawing details on instruments. It's wayyyyy too tedious.)
I am also mentally preparing my checklist for my trip to Florida next month. Tickets bought, check. Ride to airport arranged, check. Most everything else will have to be taken care of later in the month, like packing cause goodness knows Sammy and I need our clothes now still. Of course, I can't wait to see all my family and friends while I'm down there. I've got a few ideas for things I'd like to do with certain people, but nothing has been set in stone yet! I hope I don't get too overwhelmed trying to see everyone. I'll apologize in advance here, on the off chance I don't get to see you during this trip. I'm sorry!! I still care for each and every one of my friends, but two weeks is such a short time to do everything I want.
A third topic I would like to discuss today is THE DEPLOYMENT. It's about halfway over. The unit's family over the hump beach party is next weekend. I haven't decided if I want to go or not. I don't know that many wives of the other guys in Danny's unit, so I'll be so out of place. Besides it's taking place in the middle of the day in the hot hot heat. Not my idea of a beach day. Okay, back to the deployment being half over. The time now will both be the slowest it's ever been in this deployment and the fastest. The days will start to seem like they are dragging by slow as molasses, but I've noticed that oh wow the week is passing by so quickly. Luckily for me, I've got lots of things to keep me busy aside from caring for Sammy. The only other time in this deployment that will be painfully slow, is HOMECOMING. Then I'll more then likely end up with the restless kid waiting to open christmas presents syndrome. Anyone have a cure for that yet?

Well I'm out of topics to discuss right now. Maybe I'll blog again later today or tomorrow.


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