
I've had tons of old pictures and videos on my digital camera that I have off loaded to my computer but have never deleted from the camera. I did so today and post a few new pictures to facebook and am in the process of uploading videos to youtube. Be on the lookout for those. (=
Anyway, officially halfway through the deployment. YAY! I got to talk with my dear hubby yesterday and he's doing well, aside from the fact that he's hit that middle of deployment slump where he wishes it would hurry up and get over with so he can come home. No doubt he wants to golf with our pastor and go out to eat steaks or baby back ribs every night! I'm still just home, holding down the fort. Speaking of forts, I think tonight Sammy and I will build a fort out of chairs, sheets and couch cushions. I used to love making forts when I was a little girl and now that I have a child of my own, I can pass down some fun traditions!
Oh I'm gonna cut this blog entry short, because it is about to start storming here. Yikes, gotta go grab my newspaper before it gets all soaked.


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