one long week

So this past week has been the longest and shortest all together in one crazy singing, dancing, running around outside package. That's right. The thing that happens once a year: Vacation Bible School. Our theme this year was "souled out to Jesus" I won't go into a ton of detail, but I for one had a blast. I did find that the kids weren't as excited to dance around this year as they were last year! I mean come on, last year I didn't dance until the last night, but this year I was practically the only one on my side dancing. Well at least in my class of 3. Leilah, Shawn, and Josie. Yes I had the best class. Easiest to keep track of too!
Now that VBS is over and I sit back and look at the date, I see that June is HALF OVER! Already! That makes me excited. Two weeks until I come to Florida to visit, so the sunshine state better get ready. It also means our deployment is halfway over. We've made it to the peak of the roller coaster and now we begin our super speedy drop down to homecoming. I already have some neat ideas for welcome home banners and little surprises to have waiting for my dear hubby. (And he thinks I don't take care of him! ha j/k he knows I take care of him. I mean come on, just look at the receipt from the grocery store three days ago. Everything for him.)
Anyway. I'm super tired and this is all starting to sound like nonsensical babbling to me. I'm going to get sammy and myself ready for bed. We might just sleep til noon tomorrow. I think we deserve it. (=


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