busy busy busy.

So this week has gone by way faster then I wanted it to. Tomorrow my mother in law leaves to go home. I'm getting sad, but I know it won't be long that I'll be making my way down to Florida for a few weeks myself!!
Anyway, we did a lot together this week. Movies, beach, laying around the house watching the cooking channel for hours!  Yes I said beach. We went to the beach. I don't know if you all know how our last trip to the beach ended up playing out, so I'll fill you in. Sammy almost drowned when the tide was coming in. A huge wave washed over him. He was afraid to play in the tub for the longest time after that. Danny and I also got really sunburned because neither of us used our sunblock. (lesson learned) He itched and peeled for weeks after the pain finally subsided. I could barely lift my arms because my shoulders were so burnt. This time was so much more fun. Sammy enjoyed playing in the sand. He liked throwing it at the incoming waves. He did go in the water a little bit, but not higher then his knees. AND none of us got sunburned. (=

That all being said, let me say I have a new found admiration and respect for my dear hubby. I had the pleasure of cutting our lawn today. It was fun at first, hot but fun. Then I got around to mowing our big backyard. By the time I had a 10 foot by 15 foot square left, I was ready to call it quits. I kept pushing myself. Just one more step, just one more row until I finished. Ya know, I don't know how he cuts our grass without complaining about it. My feet hurt, my back hurt, I was hot and sweaty. I smelled and was covered in dirt and grass. I couldn't wait for a shower to get clean. Yet he does it when he's home, without complaining, twice a month at the least during the summer. I really really love that he makes sure when he's home, that I don't have to go out and mow the lawn! I'm going to sit down and write him a nice long, mushy letter about how much I appreciate him. (=


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