
I've done my research on potty training and my fellow mommy friends have given me tips and tricks to try. Sammy has learned the terms pee pee and poo poo and he knows he has something downstairs. Oh and did I mention that he's stopped wetting his diaper over night? It's been this way for a few months now. I figured I would have a go at seeing if he'll start potty training. I've read that most boys are fully potty trained by 3 and that most don't start that process until their second birthday.
Well after several times of him pooping in the tub and a few tinkles on my bathroom floor, I decided to start this morning off with getting him up and sitting him, bare butt, on the potty chair. He cried and kept saying no no no. Sure sign that maybe I should wait a little while longer. No sooner had I turned around to get his diaper then he's peeing on the floor. All I could say was "see you did have to potty." It's all good though because I have to do laundry anyway.


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