
It's been a while since I blogged. I was doing so good too! 

Anyway, recap of my life. Sammy stayed home from school last Friday with a sore throat. Still sick on Saturday and Sunday. Got to make a dress Sunday night. (Yay for accomplishing some of my new year's goals!) No school for the holiday Monday. Made pajamas for sammy Monday night. Field trip on Tuesday. Barnes & Noble! Wooooooo Church on Wednesday and now it's Thursday. 

And thus another week was spent. 

Now onto what I really want to say here. It's now much closer to what would have been Baby Day/Homegoing from Nicu. And it is emotionally exhausting to think about. I'm truly happy for the friends who were pregnant at the same time as me, but I am so sad for us. 

I miss my baby. It's hard to look at pictures of him, so I don't. It's hard to think about not having him, so I focus my mental energies elsewhere, which is probably why you will see a lot of new things made this year. It's hard to see the complaints from pregnant women on Facebook, so I hide them. It's hard to see regular complaints too because I just want to chime in with "someone, somewhere, has things so much worse then what you are complaining about." So I don't say anything. 

It's been almost three months and no one needs me to constantly remind them of my sorrow, so I don't say anything. I want more then anything to have my baby at home with me right now, but I can't. I want to tell people to not take things for granted, to not wish the time away, because it could happen, but I don't. 

Now that I've said all that, I don't know what else is left. I feel like my words are menial and unworthy of reading. It's just me blabbering on about my tiny little life. 
I am not saying this for compliments or reassurance, I promise you. I feel like my story is not as important as someone else's. And that's such an odd thing. Growing up, I was always social and outgoing. Now I just want to slip into the background and go unnoticed more often. I am becoming intolerant of socializing I suppose. More often then not now, I feel like it's too taxing to expend my energy on being with people. I suppose you're one of the lucky ones if I spend my time with you. 


  1. Precious one, your feelings matter. It takes energy to share them. Energy you have to conserve to just get through the day.Keep writing them down and talk to someone once in awhile about it. You don't have to apologize or spend time explaining. That takes energy, too. God is closer than you realize. He cares about your broken heart. I am praying for you.


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