
Okay, I'm gonna lay in down for ya. I'm a crafter. I love being creative and making things. I will try any type of craft at least once. I love making artsy messes (but I can't stand for my house to be dirty. Go figure!)

I'm not sure how many of you have tried to make things. Sometimes you have things that have directions to follow and some things are more free will, like painting. Sewing is definitely one of those things that you HAVE to follow directions. I've had my share of mistakes because I didn't follow directions. You really should have seen the first thing I ever created on a sewing machine. All the talent that I have certainly didn't translate into that dress.

It was a size too big in the bust area. My stitches were all kinds of crazy. The hem was so uneven. Thankfully I used a fabric that I found for $2/yard and not the pretty, expensive fabric I bought. (When in doubt, always buy cheaper fabric to practice new techniques!)

Anyway, last night I was feeling crafty so I set out in my office to sew. As I was creating, I came upon a step I didn't understand. I read it and re-read it. And re-read it. The step was something along the lines of "turn fabric through the hole you just made." I looked at the fabric. Re-read the directions. Looked at the fabric again. Picked it up and tried turning it the way it needed to be. It just wasn't working. 

I eventually called my husband into the office with me and had him read each step out loud, s l o w l y, to me. When he got to the step about turning, something clicked and I realized just how I was supposed to turn the fabric the way it needed to be. Boy did I feel silly! In any case, it worked out and I had a good chuckle at myself for being confused. The project I was working on turned out wonderfully and I'm giving it to the person I made it for this afternoon. Hope she loves it! :) I'll post pictures later. 


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