2015 and resolutions.

I have once again resolved to take a photo a day for the entire year. I don't have a fancy pants expensive camera so apologies if some of my photos have horrible quality. I'm not doing the photos to practice my photographing skills or anything. I want to document my life in the simple ways. So here are my photos for yesterday and today. 

This photo is of some fabric I intend to make a dress from. It's not working out so well so far. The fabric is very directional and is too small in the direction I need it cut. 

This is my second photo. I decided to write down my goals for this year so I can have a little more accountability for what I want to accomplish in bettering myself this year. I might be trying to over achieve here, but I want to make sure I take time for myself this year, even in the small ways like a bubble bath every week. 


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