Still feeling under the weather

****This is actually Tuesday's post, but it never published!!**** Today was no joke. I went from a sore throat on Sunday/Monday to extremely stuffed sinuses! Couple that with being pregnant and today was just emotional. I was on the verge of tears multiple times today, especially when I had to go grocery shopping with danny and Sammy. Now it's time for me to go to sleep and I'm super excited! Haha. What normal person gets excited about bedtime? Anyway, here are the photos I promised you. 
This was taken by Sammy and I honestly have no idea what it is! 
This is proof that Sammy actually does eat because his teachers tell me he barely eats at school. On the positive side, he loves yogurt.
And these are some jam berry nail wraps I randomly have in my house. :) goodnight. 


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