One day closer

When I titled my blog "one day closer to you" several years ago, I was using it as a tool to help me get through a deployment. Then it was the second long deployment Danny was doing. It was my first being up here without family around me the whole time. It was also the first seven months I had ever driven myself EVERYWHERE. 

Now, my blog is about getting closer and closer to bringing Liam home! That day is still a bit away, but I praise God for every day of forward progress Liam makes. 

Yes, it's quite an adjustment. I'm physically fine after giving birth, but there are moments when I just feel overwhelmed. Here's the list of overwhelming things that run through my mind:
Pumping milk for Liam
Sammy continuing school
Sammy's constant questions about everything but his brother
Sammy magically thinking food appears in the fridge completely prepared
Food/groceries for days we aren't able to go see Liam (believe it or not, I'm realizing I want a happy balance of home cooked meals whether I make them myself or not, and having to grab food on the run)
Gas to get back and forth
When we need to be there or here
Updating everyone/consistent texting (sorry if I just don't feel like texting)
Sleep, needing sleep.

That about sums it up for now. 

But then I remember that our son wasn't given a very good birth survival rate by the doctors and here it is five days later and praise GOD, Liam is thriving. I don't feel worried about Liam because God is in control, so why should I worry about the rest of my "problems?" He will provide for all my needs according to His riches and glory, and in His timing, not my own! 

My sister in law's mother in law posted this on Facebook today and I had to save it to remember.


  1. U are doing a great job u are a great mom we all go though a lot after having a baby u are going through all the normal stuff on top of having a baby in the nicu if u don't fell like texting don't people will understand if they don't we can best them up joking u have a lot to take care of right now and some of that is you just don't go to long without updates I need to know how little man is doing


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