Liam Archer

As I've posted in the about me section and as many of you know, we have expanded our family. 

Today at 9:41am, we welcomed Liam archer into our family. He arrived 17 weeks early and here is the story for the many of you who want to know it and just so I don't forget it later on. It may be a tiny bit graphic so if that's not your thing, this is your warning. :) 

Our church has been in revival this week and last night as I was running the media program, I felt like I was having braxton hicks contractions. Ya know, the ones that are kinda like a running stretching before a big race? Yea the teaser contractions that get the uterus pumped for delivery day. 

Only, these started to hurt and they became regular-ish. 

Well against my better judgement, I didn't say anything because I didn't want to interrupt the flow of the service if it wasn't anything serious. I went home and to bed after the service. 

Around 12:20am, I woke up and noticed I was bleeding. Not a lot but definitely not normal. I woke danny and made him take me to triage. That was the ride of a lifetime, but you'll have to ask him for that. I was too busy trying not to cry from the pain. 

Once we got to naval, they triaged me and said that Liam's chances of survival were slim for his gestational age. The doctors and nurse kept coming at me with such sadness and pity in their eyes and voices. Explaining the risks to me like they were set in stone. But I serve a living God and He is the most wonderful amazing person I know. 

They got me settled into a room and danny took Sammy to our pastor's house to spend the night.
 All through the night, doctors, nurses and specialists came in, all explaining the same risks and complications that come from a baby being born this early. To me, it seemed like in their thinking, the easiest thing to do would be not resuscitate him. I finally got fed up with their doubt. Danny and I decided we wanted them to do every thing they possibly could to help our baby live. 
I was given antibiotics and pain meds. I was given steroids to help boost Liam's lungs as much as they could. I was given magnisium to help Liam. They monitored him closely. Around 9:00 this morning, they prepped everything. Liam's head was already starting to come down the pelvic area. Called all the nurses, doctors and specialists together to be in the room the moment Liam was born. 
Around 9:30 or so, they got me into birthing position and told me to push. I only pushed a few times and out he slipped. Danny said the doctor yelled "baby" and Everyone chorused "baby!"

Hearing his first tiny little cry was the most joyous moment. But now the doctors feared they wouldn't be able to stabilize/resuscitate him. At one point, someone came over and again wih pity in her eyes said "we don't have tubes small enough to fit him." A few moments later she came back and said "we have tubes but we're not sure if we can do ivs in him if he weighs less than 500 grams."
He weighed in at 485 grams, which is roughly 1 pound, 1 ounce. They were able to put ivs in him. God -2 devil-0 

The afterbirth was easy to get out and since I had no complications on my part, I was discharged today. Liam was taken to new Hanover and stabilized there. He is doing well for now praise God. 

Before they transported him, Sammy and the Sutherland family were able to come up and see him. Sammy is in awe of his baby brother and immediately prayed for him to grow big and healthy so they can play fight against danny. 

Also shortly before they transported him, one of the doctors who worked on resuscitating Liam came in and asked if he could recognize his staff for their hard work today. We told him yes and he proceeded to tell us that in the decade of premie resuscitations, this was the smoothest one he'd ever seen. Now if that isn't God working for our little baby, I don't know what it is. 

Today has been a long day. A whirlwind really. I didn't wake up yesterday saying "I think I'll have my baby early," but I know God has a plan for us. The Word says so in Jeremiah 29:11. The Word also says He knows all our days before they were eve written. That is a great God. To be mindful of us! 
And we aren't completely in the clear yet, but no matter what happens, God is in control and He is worthy of our praise, rain or shine.  

"I know my God can do it, to Him there's nothing to it. I know He'll see me through in sweet victory. Even when storms are raging, He is my rock of ages. I know that He is able, mighty is He!"


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