Our God is greater.

As I sit here typing this, I am on my second pumping of October 17th. I want you all to know that this isn't as easy for me as you think it is. I've heard loads of "wow you're so calm." "You are so strong." "I don't think I'd be able to do this." "Your faith is amazing." 
I HAVE TO TELL YOU: it's not me. IT'S GOD. 

Alone, I could not have survived the trip to the hospital. Alone, I could not have given birth to a beautiful little boy. Alone, I could not have willed him to live and be a fighter. Alone, I would not have been calm or so held together. Yes I've had my moments and yes I've snapped myself back to reality with the simple thought that God has this, because I certainly couldn't imagine orcastrating something this amazing in my own life. 

Let me be here to encourage you today that no matter what issue you are facing God is ready and willing to take care of the issue AND you through the issue. He says multiple times in His Word that he has plans for us, purposes for us. He knows us more intimately then even doctors know us. He knows why He allowed me to have Liam 17 weeks early when the doctors still aren't sure what caused me to go into labor to begin with!

"Our God is greater. Our God is stronger. Our God is higher than any other. Our God is healer. Awesome in power, our God. And if God is with, who can come against us? And if our God is with us, what can stand against us?" 

And now that I've done my encouraging for the day, I will let you all know that while we don't have confirmed word yet this morning, we have not had any calls from the doctors yet about Liam, so the adage no news is good news seems fitting. Will update again later today, but until then, remember to be encouraged by the fact that God has all of your problems in the palms of His hands! 


  1. So you are still going to breastfeed? That is great! I was wondering about that yesterday...Love you honey!

    1. yes, it was my intention all along to breast feed him! Love you too!


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