
I've been occupied the last few days trying to finish a 500+ page book I've had out of the library for a month! See, back in January, I challenged myself to read 75 books this year. Then I got a "job" helping someone at local consignment shop. (That ended HORRIBLY!) anyway, I had to scale back my 75 to 52 books. I'm currently behind by two or three. 

I just finished sepelchre by Kate Mosse. It is the second in a trilogy and it was okay. Kinda all over the board in my opinion. I couldn't get into it at first so that's why I had it for a month. Eek. Part of me didn't want to finish it, but I sorta couldn't just stop reading it. I know I'm behind on pictures, so I'll do a small photo dump. 

This little guy was in attendance for Wednesday night bible study at my church. We had so much fun playing with him after service was over. :)  


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