Middle of the night

So I read somewhere online that between 3 and 4 am, your body is at it's weakest point of the day and you are more likely to die in your sleep during that hour. Weird. 
It's 3:19 am. 

I'm not dead. And I also haven't posted many photos for the photo a day I challenged myself. Of course, we've had bigger fish to fry lately. Not that Liam is a fish.

So anyway, here are a few photos I've taken just for fun. 
A moment of still and quiet. When I say a moment, I mean about 2.3 seconds in real life. Haha, I wouldn't change it and I'm anxious to see how different Sammy and Liam's personalities are. 

My silly boy! He knows when I'm not feeling super peppy and he does his best to cheer me up. :) I kinda really like that about him. 

We are blessed that Gram and Papa are able to visit for a short while with us. It's been quite a length of time since we've seen them. Long overdue, but hey that's life for ya. We're going to enjoy them being here while they can be and I'm sure there will be a few tears shed when it's time to say "see ya later." Mostly by me I bet. 
Now that I've typed this, I'm going to attempt more sleep before I have to go pump again. 


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