Falling behind.

I previously mentioned that my husband went back to school to secure a better job and in the past few months, my life has been so completely out of the norm for me. I'm finding the balance between everything to be quite difficult.

I struggle with blogging the most. It's a lot easier for me to get on Instagram or Facebook and type a few quick posts, attach the photos from my phone, and go than to get on the computer and type up a blog. I don't have to save photos to my computer or track them down when I want them. They're all right there. And there isn't an official app for Blogger! Go figure! I promise myself to do better from this post forward about making current blog posts. 

This is one of my most recent sews, the Meghan Wrap by Rebecca Page patterns. This dress is super easy and the twirl factor is amazing. Pj couldn't stop spinning. It is sure to make you feel like a princess. 


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