
Showing posts from September, 2014

This photo a day challenge

Is REALLY hard! Yesterday, I woke up with a sore throat. I felt like I had swallowed swords all night long, therefore I didn't take any photos yesterday.  And I still didn't feel well again today so I didn't take any photos today either. Tomorrow I promise there will be three to make up. 

My weekend so far

So every year, Swansboro church of God hosts a women's seminar. This year's theme as closets of the heart. We had a wonderful two days worshipping together as women of God and a great message was spoken both days. I sure can't wait until next year's!!


Ah the holidays are fast approaching. All the craft store have their Halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas project and decorating supplies out on the shelves. Some are even having sales on the stuff already! Last night, I was afforded a few hours to go out by myself so I headed to my favorite stores, hobby lobby and Michael's!  It has recently become a tradition on my husband's side of the family for all of his cousins and sisters to do a stocking exchange of something you really like, but you aren't supposed to spend more than $5/person so no one really breaks the bank. This is not really a challenge for me because you can find some really nifty stuff in Michael's $1-5 section, but who wants to receive the same old notebook and pen set each year or something like that? Although they do carry glow sticks. Who doesn't love glow sticks?!  Anyway, I scour the internet, aka Pinterest, for ideas because I LOVE homemade gifts. I'll take a well thought out homemade gif...

I <3 him.

I love this goober. It's so hard to believe he's going to be five in just a few months. He constantly amazes me with the knowledge he has and is always getting. I am so blessed God chose me to be his mommy. :) 


I got a tad creative today. :) I like how he turned out. Might have to do the drawing to stuffed animal things with him. 

Baby Swan #2.....

Is a very healthy BOY!!!!!  He was not shy at all about letting us know and we could not be happier. Well, Sammy might be a little upset because he wanted a sister. He'll love having a brother though! 

I have no title.

This is part of my project for the past few weeks. Just a picture for Monday before we get into the really good part of the blog.  So I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. Tomorrow I am halfway through this pregnancy and I find out whether baby swan in a girl or boy. I'm super giddy and my adrenaline is pumping hard in the good non panicky way! Today, tonight and tomorrow morning are going to feel like they drag by, but it's going to be so worth it. Please keep us in prayer that baby will cooperate! 

Today's picture

Sammy drew this during church. :) 

I like cookies.

This was heaven. No, I didn't eat them all myself. Cookies and cake are my weakness.


Okay so I lied when I said you wouldn't see any pictures from me today. The first is a throwback to when Sammy was a two year old crazy head. The second is my baby bump, 19 weeks 2 days. And the third is my clean living room. 


Yesterday you didn't get a photo and today you probably won't get one either. The reason behind this comes from the fact that I spent three hours in the verizon store yesterday getting a new contract. Today, I'm decluttering. The church we attend is having a yard sale in two days so I'm finally getting around to cleaning out our "stuff." It was a tough job to try and accomplish with Sammy always at home, but now that he's in school for six hours a day, I have time! I promise to make up the lack of photos this weekend.

Tuesday bonus.

Tonight we found this little guy in our backyard. He was like 2 &1/2 inches long. And that is the comedic end toa disastrous day. Yes, disastrous. Thank you and goodnight. 


So it would appear that we had a toy box explosion overnight. Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you, I've just put off cleaning Sammy's toybox out. However, Christmas and birthday season is rapidly approaching in our house so something has to be done since somehow the toys are like rabbits and multiply faster then I realize. I am thankful to say that not only will I be cleaning this mess up tomorrow for the church yard sale that is takin place on Saturday, but we live REALLY close to a thrift store so whatever doesn't sell at the yard sale will not being coming home with me. Not at all. Does anyone have any tips or tricks for organizing?! I sure could use some help. Or maybe someone to do it for me. 


I love that Sammy's school provides breakfast, lunch and a snack for him. Most days he enjoys it and I sure do like not having to worry about packing something for him every day.  As for school, he seems to be adjusting well. I love hearing all the stories he tells me at the end of the day.


It's Monday. It feels like a Monday. Apologies for not posting a picture the last two days. Sammy and I have been sick. We're better and I will post three pictures later today. Here are your first two. The top one is what I suggested danny and I dress as for Halloween his year. Danny didn't seem too keen, so it's back to the drawin board for me! This next one is a Liz Climo cartoon I saw and loved. Liz Climo is an amazing artist (and no, she isn't paying me to promote her.) if you have a chance, you should check out her cartoons. :) have a good Monday! 


Today, Sammy was sick and stayed home from school. I have a feeling he was a little out of it when he woke up from his nap because he was saying all sorts of nonsense. "Have you ever seen a noodle on a bird's head?" "When I cough it sounds like a siren, weooooh weooooh wooooo." 


Throw back Thursday.  This is my great grandma and me when I was just a little one. She passed away this March and it is one of my biggest regrets that I never learned history first hand from her while she was still alive. 


Another lesson learned today: don't draw on the table. I am rather impressed that Sammy traced his own hand so well.


Last night I started on a special secret project for an event at the church I attend. I'm in for lots of work in the coming weeks! 

Day 2/365

Today is Sammy's second day of preschool. Leaving him there this morning was a complete 180 from last week. He cried all the way to school that he wanted to stay home with me and when I left him in the class, he had his head slumped to his chest and tears running down his face. The weather outside is matching our down trodden moods today. 


Photo 1 of 365. Today (and a lot of days) will probably be of or relating to Sammy. Tonight it rained and I reminded him several times not to splash in puddles and get his shoes wet. I told him the shoes he has are the only pair he fits right now and they needed to be dry for school tomorrow. Needless to say, about five minutes after church is over, I see him splashing about in a puddle. This made me so mad at first. I told danny I wanted to send him to school tomorrow with wet shoes because he disobeyed. I have to say though that I am so glad God doesn't handle our disobedience the way I wanted to handle Sammy's. 

Life as we know it.

So it's been two years since I've written a blog post. Yikes. That's a long time! Plenty has happened since then. For example, I'll be celebrating my sixth wedding anniversary followed by Sammy's fifth birthday! Also, we're expanding out family by a new baby! February 10, 2015 is my due date. And now for the big announcement, YOU are seeing this because I'm getting off facebook! Starting on Wednesday, Sept 10, 2015, I will be doing a photo a day challenge for myself for an ENTIRE year. I'm also going to use this time to focus not only on my growing family, but my relationship with God, and learning new skills. Now that I've made my announcement, I'm signing off for the day. -Rinda