Procrastinating at it's finest

Hello all, I know it's been a few months since I have made a blog post. I mean well. I promise myself to blog more. I plan to blog more. Then I get busy or lazy, whichever you want to call it, and before I know it, MONTHS have gone by since I last blogged. Anyway, I have a sewing to do list about a mile long, maybe longer. The first project on my list is some doll clothes that I promised a friend I would make so she could use them at her craft show next month. I have been doing EVERYTHING BUT sewing these doll clothes. I don't know why but my heart and mind just cannot get on board with making these dang doll clothes. They're so easy to sew together, but I discover that every time I sit at my sewing machine to sew them, I just can't. Weird right? Yep. So here's what I've done instead of doll clothes. I made shorts for myself because it's freaking hot still in Florida despite being "Autumn." Also because no where is selling shorts/summer cl...